The countries participating in the Championship shall pay a deposit of 5000 EUR per team per sport to guarantee registration (Art. 5.4.4).
This deposit shall be paid to FISU at the latest five (5) months prior to the start of the Championship; failing this, the entries shall not be taken into consideration.
The registered teams shall be seeded according to the previous FISU event results (WUC and/or Universiade), the WBSC ranking and continental representation.
After the closing of entries, FISU and the Organising Committee shall organise a draw in accordance with the WBSC rules.
Participating teams shall be divided into two groups, with a maximum of 6 teams in each group.
The competition format implies round robin games within each of the two groups: when there are twelve (12) effective entries the three best teams from each group will play the Super Round and then the finals for Gold and Bronze. Teams ranked from the 4th place and lower in each group will play the Consolation Round.
1. Nomination and costs
International referees shall be appointed jointly by WBSC and FISU. The participating delegations shall bear their costs of travel, board and logging in proportion to the number of teams registered (from two (2) days before the opening ceremony to one (1) day after the closing ceremony).
Other costs are referenced in the FISU ‒ WBSC partnership agreement.
The Organising Committee shall announce the exact sum shortly after the closing date for nominative entries (one (1) month before the beginning of the World University Championship).
2. Number of technical officials needed
The total number will depend on the number fo participating teams.
According to FISU regulations, only the competitors who satisfy the following conditions may take part in this championship:
a) be a citizen of the nation (region) he/she represents;
b) be born between January 1st, 1993 and December 31st, 2000.
c) be a student who is currently officially registered as proceeding towards a degree or diploma at a university or similar institute whose status is recognized by the appropriate national academic authority of his/her country (region);
d) be a former student of an institution mentioned in (c) who has obtained the academic degree or diploma in the year preceding the event.
Doping Control
Doping control will be conducted in compliance with the regulations laid down by the International University Sports Federation (FISU) and under the WADA.